Nuffnang :)

03 July 2011


Ooopss.. I think I had enjoyed too much during my two weeks holiday..
and now I just can get used to wake up early!! X(
Last week I started my clinical attachment..
and I have to wake up at 4 30 am during morning shift..
aih.. it is so tough for me..
because sleep means everything to me!!
without sleep, I will cry...
luckily thanks God that He gives me enough strength to overcome it.. :)
anyway, everything is going to be fine with God, isn't it??
This coming week I have to search on at least 20 different types of drug..
actually it's not a big problem for me to do the searching..
but it is very difficult for me to remember all of them!!

but I just know that I only can do it if I put more effort than others...
Hope that this coming week will past as soon as possible..
I miss my school life more!!
I miss the moment quarreling and chatting like siao with siew siew and fufu~~
and eat 1 dollar ice cream at school together..

Pray that I can perform better in this clinical attachment..
and pray for my health too.. :)

*ps: I hope that I can be more humble... so that I can work more for my God.. pray for me okay?? :D

okay la..
have to tidy up my messy room and started to iron my uniform and do my homework dy..